When using someone else’s recording on your release, you’ll need a signed Master License from the Master Rights Owner of the recording.
If you are a label who owns all of the masters by the various artists appearing on the recording, you will need to show Furnace a document showing us that these recordings are currently under your control and not under a separate license from the band/owner. You will also need to pay Mechanical Licenses (as you should be doing with all the records you sell on your label.)
Let’s say you sampled a killer drum beat by the Meters or you’d like to include some dialog from a Star Wars (hopefully not JarJar Binks). You’ll need to submit a contract to Furnace stating that you have permission from the Master Rights Owners of that recording in the form of a Master License (direct from the label or film company). You MAY also need to pay for and secure a Mechanical License from either the Harry Fox Agency or directly from whoever controls the publishing.